Cessna 170B Project - 2004

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*** Photos updated August 15, 2004 ***


 Here are the yokes after we
 removed the old steering wheel


 I can see now why they used
 the steering wheel wrap.  The
 one I'm holding here is pretty

  Here's the original main panel
 prior to removal.

 Another shot of the main panel
 from the co-pilot's side.  Notice
 bits of the old insulation still
 attached to the fuselage skin.


 Here the main panel has been
 removed.  You can see the old
 original firewall pad in the

  Another shot after removing
 the main panel.

 Test fitting the "new" main


 Test fitting the "new" main

  Here's a shot with the new
 firewall pad installed - looks
 great!  Notice that the various
 brackets that attach to the
 firewall through the lower
 section of the pad have been
 stripped and painted to match
 and the old insulation has been
 removed and the skin cleaned
 and zinc chromated.

 Another shot of the new firewall


 Here's the heater vent cover all
 painted and ready to install.

 Here's a shot of N8082A with
 the left aileron, rudder and
 elevators removed for reskinning.


 This is the uncut, original main
 panel that we are installing.
 This panel, along with the
 overlay panels, knobs, glove box
 door, and bezels will all be sent
 out for paint before being

  A shot of the tail with the rudder
 and elevators removed.

  Another shot of the tail.

  Tail surfaces removed for
 shipment to Williams Airmotive.

  The main instrument panel
 being removed for replacement.

Produced by Doug Mowry  
Revised: April 04, 2007 .
